------------------------------------------------------------ LGBTQIA+ EVENTS Wecare.LGBT opensource repository ------------------------------------------------------------ Table of Contents 1. LGBTQIA+ Events 1.1 Structure 1.2 How to use the data 1.3 Wecare.LGBT User groups 1.4 How to help 2. About Wecare.LGBT 2.1 Support 2.2 Licence 2.3 Essential Documentation ------------------------- 1. LGBTQIA+ EVENTS ------------------------- The LGBTQIA+ worldwide events is a database and supporting files relating to LGBTQIA+ friendly or tailored events worldwide. Events with the status of validated mean that the entry is owned and managed by the event organizer. All other entries will be made available as Unvalidated. ------------------------- 1.1 STRUCTURE ------------------------- The database contains 40 fields (columns) and will be available in CSV format. Supporting images will be available via a zipped file and in various image formats (jpegs, gifs and pngs) and sizes. The database schema is as follows: - ------------------------------------------------------- Field Name | Type | Description ------------------------------------------------------- EventId | Number | The unique identifier of the event EventStatus | Text | The status of an event listing (i.e., Draft or Publish) EventPostDate | Date | The date when the event listing was created (yyyy/mm/dd) EventPostModified | Date | The date when the event listing was last modified (yyyy/mm/dd) EventStatusScheduled | Text | The status of an event (Cancelled, Moved Online, Postponed, Rescheduled, Scheduled) EventAttendanceMode Online | Text | The status of the attendance of the event (Offline, Online, Mixed) InLanguage | Text | The intended language(s) for all those that attend the event (ar, bn, zh, nl, en, fr, de, he, hi, id, it, ja, pt, ru, es, sv, ot) To establish the language code, visit https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_ISO_639-1_codes IsAccessibleForFree | Boolean | Whether the event is free or paid (Yes means free, No means paid) EventOffers | Text | Details of any applicable offers relating to the event EventName | Text | The name of the event EventAlternateName | Text | The alias name for an event EventDescription | Text | The description of an event EventAudience | Text | The intended audience for the event (LGBTQIA+, General, All Welcome, Other) EventUrl | URL | The main or principal website for the event EventPerformer | Text| The name of the featured performer for the event EventStartDate | Date | The start date or beginning of the event (yyyy/mm/dd) EventEndDate | Date | The end date or finishing of the event (yyyy/mm/dd) EventStartTime | Time | The start time of the event (hh:mm:ss) EventEndTime | Time | The end or finishing time of the event (hh:mm:ss) EventLocation | Text | The location of the event (Place or Virtual) EventLocationStreet | Text | The street name (location) of the event EventLocationStreet2 | Text | The street 2 name (location) of the event EventLocationCity | Text | The city name (location) of the event EventLocationRegion | Text | The region name (location) of the event EventLocationCountry | Text | The country name (location) of the event EventLocationZip | Text | The zip code (location) of the event EventLocationLatitude | Lat | The latitude (location) of the event EventLocationLongitude | Long | The longitude (location) of the event EventVirtualUrl | Url | The website link for the virtual event EventOrganizer | Text | The organizer of the event (Organization or Person) EventOrganizerName | Text | The name of the organizer of the event EventOrganizerUrl | Url | The website of the organizer of the event EventPhone | Text | The telephone number of the event EventEmail | Text | The email address of the event EventBookingLink | Url | The booking website for the event EventFacebook | Text | The Facebook account for the event EventTwitter | Text | The Twitter account for the event EventInstagram | Text | The Instagram account for the event EventYouTube | Text | The YouTube account for the event EventGaytherAffinity | Text | The Gayther Affinity account for the event EventOwnership | Text | The status of the ownership of the event (Validated or Unvalidated) ----------------------------- Sample entries ----------------------------- "2953","Publish","2022/01/01","2022/01/01","Scheduled","Offline","en","Yes","2 for 1","Wecare.LGBT Sample Event","Wecare.LGBT","Text relating to the event","LGBTQIA+"," http://wecare.lgbt/event-booking","Performer","2022/01/01","2022/01/01","09:00:00","17:00:00","Place", "Main Street","", "Flushing","New York","USA","NY","40.7359744","-73.8272839","http://wecare.lgbt/virtual","Organization ","Wecare.LGBT","http://wecare.lgbt/","+1 xxx","support@wecare.lgbt","http://wecare.lgbt/event-booking","wecarelgbt","@wecarelgbt","wecarelgbt","wecarelgbt","@wecarelgbt"."Validated" ------------------------- 1.2 HOW TO USE THE DATA ------------------------- The latest CSV file will be available each week. To use the data, subject to the licence terms and conditions, all you need to do is click on the link and download the link to your local machine. The CSV file and structure is designed to help you quickly upload the data into a database or table such as MySQL. The table and text are available in UTF-8 (UCS Transformation Format 8). 1) Visit the download page (https://wecare.lgbt/download) 2) To quickly and easily upload the data to your chosen database or table, many free and paid tools are available to help - - MYSQL TABLE DATA EXPORT/IMPORT WIZARD - information about the MySQL wizard can be found by visiting the MySQL support documents (https://dev.mysql.com/doc/workbench/en/wb-admin-export-import-table.html) - - WORDPRESS - plugins such as WP All Import and WP Ultimate CSV importer can help and be found within the wordpress.org plugins repository (https://en-gb.wordpress.org/plugins/) - - DRUPAL - modules such as CSV Importer and CKEditor can help and be found within the Drupal.org repository (https://www.drupal.org/project/project_module) - - JOOMLA - extensions such as content uploader and vdata can help and found within the Joomla Extensions Directory (https://extensions.joomla.org/) - - WIX - you can upload the CSV file via the 'Content Manager' in your dashboard. Select the collection you want to open, click on the 'show more' icon and select import items ------------------------- 1.3 WECARE.LGBT USER GROUPS ------------------------- The users of the Wecare.LGBT opensource project typically falls into two groups: - - DATA CONTRIBUTORS – the contributors will typically be service, event organizers or LGBTQIA+ individuals wishing to highlight and promote important events, services and tools for the benefit of the wider community - - DATA RECIPIENTS – the recipients, will typically be creators, website owners, influencers, service providers and information tools. The recipients will make the information available to their users and visitors The list is not exhaustive; however, it highlights the two key group ------------------------- 1.4 HOW YOU CAN HELP ------------------------- The nature of open-source projects means that data contributors and recipients can freely share and use publicly available information. Wecare.LGBT endeavours to provide the latest and most up-to-date information to its users and relies on all parties to help promote and keep the data accurate. If you are a data contributor, create an account and manage your profile and relevant listings. Doing so means that the database will be kept up to date and communicated to a wide variety of services and creators. Services, tools, and websites inform the global LGBTQIA+ community on an ongoing basis. Should you be a data contributor and have any information you wish to share. You can do so by using the contact us page or emailing us at data@wecare.LGBT. Wecare.LGBT is free to use the tool, and we appreciate all those wishing to take part and contribute to the accuracy and completeness of the data ------------------------- 2. ABOUT WECARE.LGBT ------------------------- Wecare.LGBT is an open-source project focused on collecting, organizing and sharing LGBTQ+ related information with the world. The project was created to ensure that community information is recorded and made available freely in a format that is accessible to all. The project aims to become a central library for all LGBTQ+ related data that will grow over time and become a valuable resource widely accessed and used worldwide. Wecare.LGBT was designed so that those from within the community can add and manage the data. The opensource project has two key objectives. The first objective is to share and promote LGBTQIA+ related information, such as upcoming events and tailored and designed resources for the global community. The second is to ensure that the wider internet and visitors to the various websites offering LGBTQIA+ information have up-to-date and accurate information directly from the service creators or event organizers. The nature of the opensource means that the service or event organizers can choose what they share. Encouraging the various types of websites, services and creators worldwide to use the most up to date information. A central repository that the internet can use freely, subject to the permitted purposes and terms of the opensource To learn more about Wecare.LGBT, please visit https://wecare.LGBT ------------------------- 2.1 SUPPORT ------------------------- If you have any questions or problems regarding any of the Wecare.LGBT, please visit the contact us page (https://wecare.lgbt/contact) or via email (support@wecare.lgbt) ------------------------- 2.2 LICENCE ------------------------- Licenced under the creative commons ShareAlike 4.0 - International Public Licence. Copyright 2021 All rights reserved. Wecare.LGBT For the acceptable use and more information about the licence and attribution, please visit https://wecare.lgbt/licensing#license ------------------------- 2.3 ESSENTIAL DOCUMENTATION ------------------------- - - Wecare.LGBT Disclaimer (https://wecare.lgbt/licensing#disclaimer) - - Wecare.LGBT License - ShareAlike 4.0 - International Public Licence (https://wecare.lgbt/licensing#license) - - Wecare.LGBT Code of Conduct (https://wecare.lgbt/licensing#conduct) - - Wecare.LGBT Privacy Notice (https://wecare.lgbt/privacy) - - Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 - CC BY-SA 4.0 (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/)